Election Information and FAQs:

When will the election be held?

  • The election will be held on Tuesday, Nov 5.  Ballots will arrive the week of Oct 15.

How can I check my voter registration?

  • Register to vote and check your voter registration at vote.utah.gov

What geographic area would Alisa represent?

  • The School Board is divided into seven geographic sections. I  am running for Seat #1. DSD(SB1) covers all of North Salt Lake, most of Woods Cross, and the south half of Bountiful (approximately south of 1500 South). This map shows the details of the geographic area: Davis School Board Map.

What does it mean to be non-partisan?

  • Candidates for the Davis School Board are not identified on the ballot as belonging to a political party. Any candidate who claims to represent a political party is misrepresenting both themselves and the party.

  • All eligible voters living in the geographic region, regardless of political party affiliation, or if they have children attending school, are eligible to vote. Our neighborhood schools are keystones of our communities. Strong schools build strong communities for all.

How does Alisa feel about politics in schools?

  • Political agendas do not belong in our schools. We have asked our teachers to refrain from sharing personal political ideals and as a member of the Davis School Board, I commit myself to the same expectation. Our children suffer when school boards become just another venue for partisan conflict. Our focus should always be on the best solutions for the children in our community. It is critical that our schools remain non-partisan.

Who is Alisa replacing on the Davis School Board? How long is the term?

  • School Board seats are for four years. The current School Board Member for SB1 is Liz Mumford.  She has served for eight years. She currently serves as the President of the Davis School Board. President Mumford encouraged me to run for her seat on the Davis School Board.

What schools does the Davis School Board oversee?

  • The overwhelming majority of students in Davis County attend schools that are part of the Davis School District. 

  • Charter schools, private schools, and home schools offer valuable alternatives to families and are NOT governed by the Davis School Board.  

  • Many students from alternative educational backgrounds will participate in the Davis School District for activities, such as sports, advanced placement classes, and other programs at some point in their educational journey. I am committed to ensuring that home, private and charter school student involvement with district schools is as seamless as possible.  

Where can I find out more information about Alisa?

  • I regularly post events and endorsements on social media. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for campaign updates. You are also welcome to join me at an event. Also, feel free to reach out to me directly at 801-448-3015 or alisafordavis@gmail.com

Are you a teacher?

  • The word teacher is often used quite freely- we talk about pre-school teachers, Sunday School teachers, and dance teachers. While each of these fill an important role, I want to be very clear that when I talk about teachers, in regard to the Davis School District, I am talking about licensed teachers. I hold a great respect for the education, and dedication required to maintain a teaching license.

  • I am not a licensed teacher. However, I worked as a full-time classroom instructor at Horizonte, the alternative school for the Salt Lake School District. I worked with adults and high school-age students. For four years I had my own classroom and I taught English, Humanities, Spanish, and Advisory. I helped hundreds of students earn high school diplomas.

  • I have a life-long history of involvement in education: Meet Alisa

  • As a member of the Davis School Board, I will actively listen and seek insight from our current classroom teachers.

Do you think Critical Race Theory should be taught in DSD schools?

  • CRT introduces complex and divisive concepts that are inappropriate for K-12. CRT is an academic framework used in higher education, particularly in law schools and universities, to examine systemic racism and its impact on society.

  • While I am supportive of creating a sense of belonging and rooting out racism in our schools, I do not believe that CRT will help address these issues. Students should feel valued and supported, without imposing divisive frameworks.

What is your stance on the Utah Fits All program?

  • Utah Fits All scholarship is not administered or overseen by the Davis School District. It is a program that was implemented by the legislature. As a member of the Davis School Board, I will not vote or have oversight of this program.

  • It is important for the Davis School Board to investigate why families would choose alternatives outside of the district. The school board can then use this information to find ways to improve our district schools.

  • I fully support individualized education options for students. I'm grateful that the Davis School District offers many different ways that students and families can individualize education for their students. Traditional schedules, split schedules, Davis Connect K-12, concurrent enrollment, and Davis Catalyst are a few examples of ways that education can be individualized while still participating in the Davis District.

  • Finally, I have concerns about funding in our schools. Utah continues to underfund education. Our teacher/student ratios are too high. I am grateful for the endorsement of both of the UT House Reps who represent our area, Representative Melissa Garff Ballard and Ray Ward - Utah House District 19. If elected as a member of the Davis School Board, I will work with our legislators to prioritize funding for our neighborhood schools. If elected to the Davis School Board my priority will always be the programs offered in our local public district schools.

How can I help you get elected?